Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mixed nuts and Chocolate.

I live in a tin of "mixed nuts". No matter how much I'd like to spend my days enjoying nothing but "boxes of chocolate", it's just not realistic.

Life Is Tough.

Sometimes, it feels like everything is going wrong. Sometimes it breaks you down and makes you want to give it all up.

But, you know what... that's okay.

Because if everything was easy would we ever step outside our comfort zone and try to make things better? How would we learn patience? Would we be as appreciative of the good things we enjoy? Or would we become complacent? Would we take our lives and our loved ones for granted?

My tin of "mixed nuts" has been over-flowing in the past few years. We have endured the loss of several loved ones. We have struggled with health issues. We have lost jobs and income. We have given up the majority of the luxuries we once enjoyed.

And even though all of these losses have weighed heavily on our hearts. We are still blessed with a lot of "chocolate".

We have an over abundance of loved ones still left in this world. Our Children. My Dad. Our Sisters. Our Brothers. Our Nieces and Nephews. Our Cousins. Our Friends.

These are the pieces of "chocolate" that fill our box to overflowing. These are the things that make life a little sweeter.

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